
What is 6163 SOUP?

6163 SOUP is a micro-granting dinner to fund creative or social neighbourhood projects in Hamilton Hill.

6163 SOUP is part of an international phenomenon that originated in Detroit and has successfully been brought to Western Australia by Perth SOUP to create opportunities that:

  • Empower residents
  • Help create jobs
  • Allow people to establish new relationships and networks
  • Promote action and change
  • Foster critical dialogue
  • Instil neighbourhood pride
  • Provide a deeper understanding of democracy

The next 6163 SOUP event is on Saturday 23rd March 2024!

Buy Tickets.

How does it work?


Four presenters will be chosen to pitch an idea for a project - it could be anything: art, social justice, community, education, technology, you choose.
Each presenter gets 4 minutes.


The diners can ask each presenter up to four questions after their presentation.


We eat, network, enjoy the company of our neighbours and discuss the ideas.


At the end of the night the diners vote on the project they think will benefit from the micro-grant the most.


The presenter with the most votes will receive a cash micro-grant of up to $600 (depending on attendance numbers and donations received).


How do I apply?

We are taking applications to pitch your project at the 6163 SOUP event now.

Submit your application by Wednesday 6th March.

We will let you know if your application is successful by 11th March, giving you plenty of time to present your idea at the 6163 SOUP event on Saturday 23rd  March!


How much does the dinner cost?
$15 gets you dinner and a vote. 100% of the sale of your ticket goes to the micro-grant.

Do I need to buy a ticket?
Yes. Everyone needs to book their tickets online beforehand. Tickets to the event will be sold on Eventbrite closer to the event.

Follow us on facebook and subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date and get notified.

What is the dinner seating arrangement like?
Our dinner happens in an informal setting at the Hub 6163. There are chairs, but no (or few) tables.

Are children allowed at SOUP?
Of course. We hope that we have created a safe environment where children can listen and participate. You don’t have to be 18 to vote at 6163 SOUP and we encourage children to voice their opinion. As long as they are old enough to make a decision for themselves, they are more than welcome to cast their ballot.

What is the schedule for the evening?
We open the doors at 6:00pm and start hearing proposals at 6.30pm. The presentations and subsequent Q&A last between 30-45 minutes. We eat when the proposals are finished and the diners are then able to vote on what project would best benefit from the collected money. Ballots are counted after voting closes and the winner is announced.

What rules do you have for SOUP?
There are only two rules for the presenters. The first is that they can not use technology to present and the second is that the idea presented must benefit Hamilton Hill. The rest of the dinner is completely informal. Anything can happen...

What will I expect to hear from the proposers/grant seekers?
You will hear a presentation no longer than 4 minutes from each presenter. The floor is then opened up to 4 questions from diners.

I have an amazing idea that I think could really benefit the Hamilton Hill community, how can I submit my idea? 
You can apply online using this link. If you have any queries or would like us to look at your idea first, please email us at

My idea works really well on power point, do you have the capabilities to be able to use this presentation device?
While technology is helpful in many of our daily lives those involved in SOUP believe you can share your proposal without it. We do make exceptions every once in a while (like showing a movie trailer) but we highly encourage you to leave the laptop at home. You are more than welcome to bring in visuals to enhance your idea.

How many proposals do you accept for each dinner?
We only have time for four proposals per dinner. With more than that it becomes hard to have a constructive dialogue about each proposal as we are eating... and people have short attention spans.

Where do I send my proposal?
You can apply online using this link. If you are experiencing problems, please email us at

When are the proposals due?
Ideally, we need to receive your proposal before midnight on Wednesday 6th March.  If you are successful, you will be notified by Tuesday 12th March to give you time to prepare.

Will there be any alcoholic drinks?
You will be able to purchase soft drinks and limited alcoholic beverages. We will provide tea and coffee for free.