Join us.

Membership is free and open to all residents of Hamilton Hill and adjacent suburbs of the Cities of Cockburn and Fremantle, as well as any person or corporate entity with interests in Hamilton Hill. You need to be 15 or over to become a full member with voting rights. Under 15s are welcome to join but will be excluded from being able to vote.
We encourage as many local residents and businesses as possible to join us – the stronger our voice the better we will be heard. There is strength in numbers and nothing feels better than doing things for others – and getting support and help in return.


  • An invitation to the Christmas party and other HHCG events
  • Voting rights at the AGM
  • A monthly update on what’s happening in your community
  • To have a voice in shaping our neighbourhood
  • To contribute to decisions affecting our future
  • To support cultural change
  • The opportunity to support and belong to your local community group
  • The opportunity to plan, take part in and help out at community events
  • Your ideas listened to – and where practical, brought into being
    Inspiration and motivation from working with others
  • To share skills and experiences
  • To make new contacts and opportunities
  • To have fun – working with others, planning and putting on events – it really is enjoyable!

To join please sign up for the mailing list, and come along to our next public meeting. If you have any queries, please email us at and we hope to see you at a meeting soon.